
My mother tried to make me take typing – as “keyboarding” was called back in the day – in high school. But, noooo . . . I had to take, er, something else I can’t remember that wasn’t what my mother wanted me to take. I was a teenager, y’all.

So of course I became a journalism major, a reporter, a writer. Typing – keyboarding, whatever – is now what I do all day long every day. So of course I self-taught long ago, and today, I can type about 60 wpm [test yourself @].

And yes, I’ve told my mother she was right.
About that.

:: The two longest words that can be typed using only the left hand: reverberated & stewardesses [both 12 letters]

:: The longest word that can be typed using only the right hand: lollipop [a mere 8 letters]

:: The longest word that can be typed alternating hands with every letter: skepticisms [11 letters]

PS – Can we really not come up with a better verb than “keyboarding”?? Come on, people.

Image via petit collage.