Find a word that entered the English language around the same time you entered the world
with the Oxford English Dictionary’s Birthday Word Generator!

If you’re an OED subscriber or can access the OED, you can get your own personal OED birthday word.
But if you’re OK with just a birth-year word [as I am, for the moment], then just click the above link, click to the year of your birth and – blimey! – you’ve got your OED birth-word.

My OED birth-word is, for example, mockney [n.]: an accent & form of speech affected (esp. by a middle-class speaker) imitation of cockney or of the speech of Londoners; (generally) mockney accent.

As in, Dick Van Dyke’s mockney accent in the 1964 Disney movie “Mary Poppins” would be unforgivable if he weren’t so dang darling dancing with those animated penguins.

So, what’s your birth-word??