
I’m a big believer in the power of gratitude – of practicing gratitude my own self, and of sharing my gratitude with the people who evoke it, to lift them up with the knowledge and acknowledgement that what they were or did for me made a positive difference. It mattered.

Plus, expressing thanks is just good manners, y’all. Remember the essentials, please & thank you? Well, it seems to me that we’re currently living in a acquisition-centric culture where please is the order of the day and thank you is wrongly losing rank.

For example, when’s the last time you wrote an actual pen-to-paper thank-you note?

No, the pen and the paper aren’t really the point. But truly, isn’t a handwritten missive, arriving in your metal mailbox via a human postal-carrier’s hand, more meaningful than its e-quivalent?

Yes. Yes, it is.

So, just in case you may be a tad rusty, here’s all you need to create a perfect thank-you note:

:: a small sheet of paper or notecard
:: a fitting envelope
:: a first-class stamp
:: a writing implement
:: someone to be thankful to for something, and his|her mailing address

:: A greeting – Something like Dear Wendy, works perfectly.

:: Sentence 1 – A statement of thanks for whatever it is your grateful for, simple and straightforward. Thank you very much for the generous gift card you sent me for my birthday.

:: Sentence 2 – Say something about the item, deed, what have you, that you especially appreciate. Amazon.com is my favorite spot to shop, so the gift card will definitely be put to good use – maybe on several online occasions!

:: Sentence 3 – Say something about the person that you especially appreciate. You’re such a kind and thoughtful gift-giver; having someone like you remember and celebrate my birthday each year really makes me feel like someone special.

:: Sentence 4 – Reiterate your thanks and add another personal note, if possible. Thanks again so much – I hope we can catch up in person over the summer … over margaritas??

:: A closing – Something like All the best, Kristen works perfectly.

Into the envelope, seal, stamp, address, mail. Done and done.

And well done! You just added a dose of humanity and a slice of joy to the world.
Because gratitude begets joy. Put four sentences together today and make someone happy.

[Regarding the image at the top: In 2010, Canadian author Yann Martel received a thoughtful thank-you note in response to his award-winning novel, Life of Pi, from father of two and free-world leader Barack Obama. This particular note doesn’t follow my four-sentence formula, but is a fine example of a beautifully and elegantly written thank-you nonetheless.]